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100 Embroidery Terms
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Anchor Info/Charts
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DMC-Anchor-Semco-Madeira-JP-Cosmo-Olympus-YD / 2
DMC-Light-Effects-Diamant-Rainbow-Gallery-PB-Kreinik#4 / 2
Eva Rosenstand-DMC
DMC-Au Ver Soie
Crescent Colors-DMC
Anchor Old To New Numbers
Anchor Wool-Paternayan-DMC
Anchor-Tapestry Wool-DMC-Wool
Anchor-Kreinik Silk Mori
E.Bradley-Anchor-DMC-Appletons Tapestry Wool
Sullivans-JP Coats
Dinky Dyes-Gentle Art
Soie D'alger - Needlepoint Silk
Silk N' Colors - Gentle Art
RB Gallery-Kreinik
Kreinik-Treasure Braid
Glissen Gloss RB-Kreinik BF
Threads to Robison-Anton
Weeks Dye-Works-DMC
Gloriana Silk to Weeks Dye Works
Gloriana Silk To Caron Waterlilies To Silk N'Colors
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Delica Bead - DMC
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Mill Hill
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18 best Craft Websites

18 best Craft Websites On Internet
Source: https://www.craftmakerpro.com/business-tips/top-18-handmade-sites-check-boost-craft-ideas/

There are thousands of craft related websites and blogs on the internet to choose from. The resources and information offered by many of these sites can be invaluable, from tips on how to make that perfect hoop earring to detailed designs for that amazing stacker draw system you always wanted.

These are in no particular order, because it’s difficult enough to narrow a long list down to eighteen worthy sites, blogs, and communities, but here are 18 of our very favorite craft websites!


Etsy is a marketplace where people around the world connect to buy and sell unique goods. The beautiful thing about this site is its community wherein you can ask and share experiences to people who shares the same passion with you.
[Image of the website]

The Dollar Store Crafts

Dollar Store Crafts is a daily blog devoted to hip crafts using dollar store stuff. It is a daily crafting blog with an emphasis on projects that are cheap, chic, and easy to do. Most of the materials in their projects can be purchased at your local dollar store.

Martha Stewart

You can subscribe to the Martha Stewart site for a daily access to their informative videos and blog about recipes & how-tos, crafts & DIY home, and parties & holidays.

Makezine and Craftzine

Makezine and Craftzine are both magazines from beloved tech publisher O’Reilly, but it’s their blogs that will probably be of most interest to anyone reading this list. Craftzine started out as a Makezine subcategory, then grew into its own thing. Makezineskews electronic, but still has the occasional bit of craft content worth checking out, and Craftzine includes occasional projects with LEDs.


We all know that Michaels is a specialty retailer of arts, crafts, framing, floral, wall decor, scrapbooking and much more. But it’s more than that! They have the projects section wherein you’ll get a lot of creative arts and crafts inspiration.

Hobby Craft

Hobby Craft is a UK-based retailer of arts and crafts with 78 stores nationwide. They have a lot of inspirational activities and hundreds of exciting ideas, you’ll discover everything you need to get crafty. You will also see tutorials that show you the estimated time it’ll be finished. A very cool website.

I Heart Nap Time

I Heart Nap Time site’s creator aspires to reach women, get their creative juices flowing, and to genuinely inspire. Her pictures tell stories, and her stories make it simple and easy for her fans to begin creating. With monthly views in the millions, I Heart Nap Time has become a hot commodity for those seeking a creative outlet.


Craftster is an online community for crafts and DIY where you can find loads of ideas, advice, and inspiration.Any craft topic you can imagine, and probably a few that haven’t crossed your mind, has been addressed by Craftster members, at almost every possible level of workmanship. And they’ve probably written a tutorial about it, too.

Craft Gossip

Craft Gossip offers DIY and handmade craft ideas – handpicked crafts found by their dedicated editors.

DIY Network

DIY Network, from the makers of HGTV and Food Network, is the go-to destination for rip-up, knock-out home improvement television. Every episode of every show has a project page with all the instructions you’ll need. In some cases, these patterns are exclusive excerpts from popular books.

The Craft Crow

The Crafty Crow specializes in crafts found on weblogs of creative people who either have, or work with, kids. There is an emphasis on projects inspired by nature, crafts that make use of recyclable materials and open-ended art meant to bring families closer together through the creative experience.


Knitty have the best knitters. They are notable for their friendly editorial tone and ability to create massive trends among knitbloggers.

Crochet Me

CrochetMe – IfKnitty is to knitters, this site is perfect for crocheters, and with the addition of an unnecessarily complicated archiving system. You can browse through their free crochet patterns, read our blogs, chat in the forums, and make a few friends.

How Does She

How Does She brings you the most fabulous DIY projects, crafts, family fun ideas, delicious recipes, and strategies to help you raise a beautiful family.


Interweave is the best mainstream publisher of craft magazines, with many free pattern downloads, some of which are web-exclusive. They cover jewelry design, quilting, knitting, crochet, needlework, spinning, mixed-media art, and more.

Craft Gawker

Craftgawker is rich with DIY tutorials organized in a Pinterest -like website layout. They have excellent photos displayed in there which will give you a good inspiration on how to take a photo of your craft products.


Instructables is an online place for handmade artists that lets you explore, document, and share your creations. Provides step-by-step tutorials for absolutely everything.

Super Naturale

SuperNaturale set the bar high for other craft titles with beautiful projects, sophisticated design and smart writing.

If you think that we miss your favorite craft website, please let us know. Happy Crafting!

Here’s an extra one for good measure 


Favecraft is full of tutorials and information that you can use to learn and create projects.  They also have a TON of online ebooks that you can download for free.
