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Sullivans Threads. Sullivans Color List

Sullivans Threads. Sullivans Color List

Download Sullivans Chart in PDF (and conversion to DMC)
External link: https://www.sullivansusa.net/

More info:

About Sullivans
Established for over thirty years, Sullivans is an Australian manufacturer and wholesaler, distributing a wide range of fabrics, decorative trimmings, curtain accessories, curtain tracking and a comprehensive range of sewing accessories and craft products.

Sullivans employs in excess of 100 staff, manufacturing, packaging and stocking a wide range of products ensuring a high level of customer service, both domestically and internationally. Sullivans is able to offer a larger variety of products at very competitive prices. Sullivans headquarters is based in Brisbane, Australia.

Sullivans also owns a company in the USA, servicing both domestic and export markets. Our company manufactures and warehouses large stocks and therefore welcomes your product enquiries. We are always eager to service any special purchasing requirements.

Sullivans embroidery floss has been enhanced and perfected to top quality.
Customers will be pleased with the smooth texture and variety of colors, especially when compared to other brands.
Sullivans brand floss is made with 100% Egyptian cotton, pre-washed, and dyed with the best colorfast dyes.

A reputation for creative solutions and services since 1992
The Sullivans USA warehouse facility is located in Downers Grove, Illinois where we stock an extensive line of sewing and quilting notions. We are a full line manufacturer producing such items as: Embroidery Floss, Thread, Hobby & Craft Tables, Cutting Mats, Rulers, Zippers, Aerosols, Pins & Needles, Yarn, Scissors, and much more!

All of our products are available for purchase by distributors and wholesalers only. If you are interested in selling Sullivans products at your store, please register here.

M.T. Sullivan & Co. was established in 1972 in Australia. The manufacturer of sewing notions and home decor now controls up to 70% of the retail notions business. With 700 employees worldwide, they able to manufacture, package, stock and distribute products at the highest level of service. M.T. Sullivan & Co. is the parent company of Sullivans USA, Inc. as well as Sullivans Enterprise, Ltd. NZ. The global headquarters are based in Brisbane, Australia with additional locations in New Zealand, Holland, Germany, China, and the United States.


Sullivans Code

Color----- Description

45000                      ecru
45001                      white
45002                      snow white
45040                      vy dk lavender
45041                      dk lavender
45042                      md lavender
45043                      lt lavender
45044                      vy dk shell pink
45045                      Lt Shell Pink
45046                      vy lt shell pink
45047                      ul vy lt shell pink
45047                      ul vy lt shell pink
45048                      vy dk mahogany
45049                      md mahogany
45050                      md red
45051                      lemon
45052                      dk rose
45053                      black
45054                      md navy blue
45055                      vy dk baby blue
45056                      md dk antique mauve
45057                      md antique mauve
45058                      pewter gray
45059                      lt steel gray
45060                      vy dk pistachio green
45061                      md pistachio green
45062                      red
45063                      dk dark baby blue
45064                      vy dk rose
45065                      dk violet
45066                      vy dk blue violet
45067                      md baby blue
45068                      rose
45069                      navy blue
45070                      md blue violet
45071                      lt blue violet
45072                      vy dk salmon
45073                      dk coral
45074                      md coral
45075                      coral
45076                      lt coral
45077                      peach
45078                      dk terra cotta
45079                      md terra cotta
45080                      dk pistachio green
45081                      lt pistachio green
45082                      vy lt pistachio green
45083                      md mustard
45084                      mustard
45085                      lt mustard
45086                      dk mahogany
45087                      vy lt mahogany
45088                      dk desert sand
45089                      dk pewter gray
45090                      dk steel gray
45091                      pearl gray
45092                      dk hazelnut brown
45093                      lt hazelnut brown
45094                      md brown
45095                      lt brown
45096                      vy lt brown
45097                      tan
45098                      lt tan
45099                      dk lemon
45100                      lt lemon
45101                      dk shell gray
45102                      md shell gray
45103                      lt shell gray
45104                      avocado green
45105                      lt avocado green
45106                      vy lt avocado green
45107                      ul lt avocado green
45108                      dk red
45109                      vy dk blue green
45110                      dk blue green
45111                      blue green
45112                      md blue green
45113                      vy lt blue green
45114                      dk wedgewood
45115                      lt wedgewood
45116                      sky blue
45117                      dk fern green
45118                      fern green
45119                      lt fern green
45120                      vy lt fern green
45121                      vy lt ash gray
45122                      ul vy lt beige brown
45123                      vy dk violet
45124                      md violet
45125                      violet
45126                      lt violet
45127                      vy dk jade
45128                      md jade
45129                      lt jade
45130                      vy lt jade
45131                      dk moss green
45132                      moss green
45133                      turquoise
45134                      lt turquoise
45135                      vy dk cranberry
45136                      dk cranberry
45137                      md cranberry
45138                      cranberry
45139                      lt cranberry
45140                      vy lt cranberry
45141                      bright orange-red
45142                      bright orange
45143                      dk drab brown
45144                      drab brown
45145                      lt drab brown
45146                      vy lt drab brown
45147                      ul vy dk desert sand
45148                      vy dk beige gray
45149                      dk beige gray
45150                      md beige gray
45151                      vy dk beaver gray
45152                      dk beaver gray
45153                      md beaver gray
45154                      lt beaver gray
45155                      bright red
45156                      lt old gold
45157                      vy lt old gold
45158                      dk old gold
45159                      green
45160                      bright green
45161                      lt green
45162                      kelly green
45163                      chartreuse
45164                      bright chartreuse
45165                      cream
45166                      plum
45167                      dk orange spice
45168                      md orange spice
45169                      lt orange spice
45170                      md lt topaz
45171                      lt topaz
45172                      vy lt topaz
45173                      md old gold
45174                      vy dk olive green
45175                      dk olive green
45176                      olive green
45177                      md olive green
45178                      lt olive green
45179                      vy lt tan
45180                      ul vy lt tan
45181                      tangerine
45182                      md tangerine
45183                      lt tangerine
45184                      md yellow
45185                      pale yellow
45185                      pale yellow
45186                      lt pale yellow
45187                      off white
45188                      vy lt sky blue
45189                      lt peach
45190                      vy lt terra cotta
45191                      salmon
45192                      lt salmon
45193                      vy lt pearl gray
45194                      vy lt yellow green
45195                      vy lt baby blue
45196                      md pink
45197                      vy lt antique mauve
45198                      ul vy dk topaz
45199                      vy dk topaz
45200                      dk topaz
45201                      md topaz
45202                      vy dk cornflower blue
45203                      dk cornflower blue
45204                      md cornflower blue
45205                      lt cornflower blue
45206                      dk royal blue
45207                      royal blue
45208                      dk delft blue
45209                      md delft blue
45210                      pale delft blue
45211                      dk coffee brown
45212                      dk peacock blue
45213                      peacock blue
45214                      delft blue
45215                      lt blue
45216                      dk garnet
45217                      md garnet
45218                      garnet
45219                      vy dk coral red
45220                      baby pink
45221                      lt baby pink
45222                      vy dk royal blue
45223                      lt beige gray
45224                      dk navy blue
45225                      vy dk blue
45226                      dk blue
45227                      md blue
45228                      vy lt blue
45229                      ul vy very lt blue
45230                      vy dk golden olive
45231                      dk golden olive
45232                      md golden olive
45233                      golden olive
45234                      lt golden olive
45235                      vy lt golden olive
45236                      vy dk beige brown
45237                      dk beige brown
45238                      md beige brown
45239                      lt beige brown
45240                      vy lt beige brown
45241                      ul dk beaver gray
45242                      vy dk hazelnut brown
45243                      ul dk pistachio green
45244                      dk carnation
45245                      md carnation
45246                      lt carnation
45247                      vy lt carnation
45248                      vy dk hunter green
45249                      vy dk coffee brown
45250                      md rose
45251                      dk burnt orange
45252                      vy dk garnet
45253                      vy dk parrot green
45254                      dk parrot green
45255                      md parrot green
45256                      lt parrot green
45257                      vy dk emerald green
45258                      dk emerald green
45259                      md emerald green
45260                      lt emerald green
45261                      md nile green
45262                      dk plum
45263                      md plum
45264                      dk red copper
45265                      red copper
45266                      md copper
45267                      copper
45268                      lt copper
45269                      vy dk gray green
45270                      md gray green
45271                      lt gray green
45272                      vy lt gray green
45273                      dk antique blue
45274                      md antique blue
45275                      lt antique blue
45276                      black avocado green
45277                      dk avocado green
45278                      vy dk avocado green
45279                      md avocado green
45280                      ul dk coffee brown
45281                      vy dk navy blue
45282                      md aquamarine
45283                      tawny
45284                      md burnt orange
45285                      burnt orange
45286                      vy lt peach
45287                      lt desert sand
45288                      lt tawny
45289                      nile green
45290                      lt nile green
45291                      geranium
45292                      pale geranium
45293                      dk seagreen
45294                      md seagreen
45295                      dk dusty rose
45296                      md dusty rose
45297                      ul vy lt dusty rose
45298                      lt seagreen
45299                      md baby green
45300                      lt pumpkin
45301                      pumpkin
45302                      deep canary
45303                      bright canary
45304                      dk mahogany
45304                      Dk Golden Brown
45305                      md golden brown
45306                      lt golden brown
45307                      vy dk forest green
45308                      dk forest green
45309                      md forest green
45310                      forest green
45311                      dk aquamarine
45312                      lt aquamarine
45312                      vy lt aquamarine
45313                      vy lt aquamarine
45313                      vy lt aquamarine
45314                      dk electric blue
45315                      md electric blue
45316                      dk khaki green
45317                      md khaki green
45318                      lt khaki green
45320                      md brown gray
45321                      lt brown gray
45322                      vy lt brown gray
45323                      vy dk mocha brown
45324                      md mocha brown
45325                      vy lt mocha brown
45326                      md antique violet
45327                      lt antique violet
45328                      dk yellow beige
45329                      md yellow beige
45330                      lt yellow beige
45331                      dk green gray
45332                      md green gray
45333                      green gray
45334                      desert sand
45335                      vy lt beaver gray
45336                      vy lt golden yellow
45337                      lt baby blue
45338                      lt rose
45339                      dk salmon
45340                      md apricot
45341                      apricot
45342                      dk hunter green
45343                      hunter green
45344                      md yellow green
45345                      lt yellow green
45346                      ul dk dusty rose
45347                      lt dusty rose
45348                      dk pine green
45349                      md pine green
45350                      pine green
45351                      black brown
45352                      lt plum
45353                      vy lt plum
45354                      ul lt plum
45355                      vy dk mauve
45356                      mauve
45357                      md mauve
45358                      lt mauve
45359                      dk melon
45360                      md melon
45361                      lt melon
45362                      md salmon
45363                      vy lt salmon
45364                      vy lt dusty rose
45365                      dk shell pink
45366                      md shell pink
45367                      dk antique mauve
45368                      lt antique mauve
45369                      vy dk dusty rose
45370                      dusty rose
45371                      dk antique violet
45372                      vy lt antique violet
45373                      dk blue violet
45374                      vy lt blue violet
45375                      vy dk antique blue
45376                      vy lt antique blue
45377                      ul vy lt antique blue
45378                      baby blue
45379                      ul vy lt baby blue
45380                      md wedgewood
45381                      lt sky blue
45382                      vy dk peacock blue
45383                      lt peacock blue
45384                      dk gray green
45385                      vy lt tawny
45386                      vy dk desert sand
45387                      md desert sand
45388                      vy lt desert sand
45389                      lt mahogany
45390                      vy dk terra cotta
45391                      lt terra cotta
45392                      ul vy lt terra cotta
45393                      dk mocha brown
45394                      lt mocha brown
45395                      dk brown gray
45396                      ul dk beige gray
45397                      vy dk pewter gray
45398                      vy dk melon
45399                      vy dk antique mauve
45400                      dk mauve
45401                      dk cyclamen pink
45402                      cyclamen pink
45403                      lt cyclamen pink
45404                      cornflower blue
45405                      ul vy dk turquoise
45406                      vy dk turquoise
45407                      dk turquoise
45408                      vy lt turquoise
45409                      vy dk seagreen
45410                      lt blue green
45411                      aquamarine
45412                      dk celadon green
45413                      celadon green
45414                      lt celadon green
45415                      ul vy dk emerald greene
45416                      lt moss green
45417                      dk straw
45418                      straw
45419                      lt straw
45420                      ul pale yellow
45421                      lt apricot
45422                      pale pumpkin
45423                      golden brown
45424                      pale golden brown
45425                      hazelnut brown
45426                      vy dk old gold
45427                      terra cotta
45428                      vy dk brown gray
45429                      dk raspberry
45430                      md raspberry
45431                      lt raspberry
45432                      dk grape
45433                      md grape
45434                      lt grape
45435                      ul dk lavender
45436                      dk lavender blue
45437                      md lavender blue
45438                      lt lavender blue
45439                      pale baby blue
45440                      dk wedgwood
45441                      electric blue
45442                      dk bright turquoise
45443                      md bright turquoise
45444                      lt bright turquoise
45445                      dk teal green
45446                      md teal green
45447                      lt teal green
45448                      dk bright green
45449                      lt bright green
45450                      vy dk straw
45451                      dk autumn gold
45452                      md autumn gold
45453                      lt autumn gold
45454                      ul vy lt mahogany
45455                      dk rosewood
45456                      md rosewood
45457                      lt rosewood
45458                      cocoa
45459                      lt cocoa
45460                      dk mocha beige
45461                      md mocha beige
45462                      lt mocha beige
45463                      winter white
45464                      ul vy lt mocha brown
45465                      ul vy dk dustry rose
45466                      vy lt dustry rose
45467                      md lt shell pink
45468                      vy lt violet
45469                      vy dk grape
45470                      md dk blue violet
45471                      md lt blue violet
45472                      vy lt cornflower blue
45473                      md vy dk cornflower blue
45474                      lt gray blue
45475                      md gray blue
45476                      gray blue
45477                      ul vy lt blue
45478                      md celadon green
45479                      lt forest green
45480                      vy lt moss green
45481                      md lt moss green
45482                      vy dk yellow beige
45483                      vy lt pewter
45484                      lt pewter
45490                      jade green
45491                      topaz
45492                      vy dk Raspberry
45493                      dk cocoa
45494                      ul vy dk baby blue
45495                      vy lt apricot
45496                      ul vy lt terra cotta