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Mettler (ALL) Threads

Source: https://www.amann-mettler.com/en/products/

100% Polyester

All-purpose sewing thread METROSENE®, the tearproof all-rounder
You are spot on with the all-purpose sewing thread METROSENE. The all-rounder among sewing threads effortlessly masters all types of fabrics and stitches. From cotton and synthetic, to mixed fabrics and linen, to silk - the excellent sewability and high-quality of the sewing thread are convincing in every aspect.

The thread impresses with many qualities: METROSENE inspires with an impressive selection of stunningly intense colors that shimmer with a silky gloss. Its tearproof and abrasion resistant properties as well as optimal elongation are completing the many advantages of the METROSENE sewing thread.

Available in up to 318 colors and 3 featuring size(s). Not all products have worldwide availability.




100% Polyester

All-purpose sewing thread SERALON, the tearproof all-rounder
You are spot on with the all-purpose sewing thread SERALON. The all-rounder among sewing threads effortlessly masters all types of fabrics and stitches. From cotton and synthetic, to mixed fabrics and linen, to silk - the excellent sewability and high-quality of the sewing thread are convincing in every aspect.
The thread impresses with many qualities: SERALON inspires with a great selection of stunningly intense colors that shimmer with a silky gloss. Its tearproof and abrasion resistant properties as well as optimal elongation are completing the many advantages of the SERALON sewing thread.

Available in up to 435 colors and 6 featuring size(s). Not all products have worldwide availability.


100% recycled polyester

Universal sewing thread SERACYCLE®, the sustainable all-rounder
Mettler moves with the times - join us and decide on our sustainable all-rounder among the sewing threads!

With SERACYCLE® you buy exactly the right sewing thread for resource-conscious projects. The entire article is based on environmentally friendly materials. Both the sewing thread and the spool are made of recycled plastic.
Made from 100% post-consumer recycled PET bottles, the thread combines the highest ecological requirements with the usual Mettler quality. In the production process, we use only transparent PET bottles. In this way, we guarantee the highest level of product quality. For the production of the spool we use 100% recycled polystyrene.
SERACYCLE® is suitable for various purposes. The high-quality sewing thread masters various types of fabrics and stitches. Whether on cotton, synthetics, blended fabrics, linen or silk, the outstandingly sewable sewing thread convinces all along the line. Due to its core thread construction, the sewing thread is not only optimally abrasion-resistant, stretchable and tearproof, but also wonderfully supple.
Last but not least, the thread scores with its iron-proof, non-shrink and colorfast properties. All this makes SERACYCLE® an excellent all-rounder. Women's, men's and children's clothing, sportswear and outdoor, as well as underwear and lingerie can all be perfectly realized with it.

Available in up to 36 colors and 1 featuring size(s). Not all products have worldwide availability.


100% PTT (Polytrimethyleneterephthalate)

Innovative elastic sewing thread SERAFLEX®
Highly elastic and versatile: with our SERAFLEX sewing thread, you are buying exactly the right thread for all stretch fabrics. The secret is its special composition: The innovative raw material PTT allows the sewing thread to stretch up to 65%. We recommend using the sewing thread exclusively for straight stitches. When used as needle and bobbin thread and with a thread tension as loose as possible, its full elasticity comes into effect. This way, SERAFLEX even achieves a sewing elasticity that is twice as high as that of conventional sewing threads.

Whether as sewing thread for women's, men's or children's clothing, for sportswear and outdoor as well as for underwear and lingerie: SERAFLEX masters every challenge!

Available in up to 72 colors and 1 featuring size(s). Not all products have worldwide availability.



100% Polyester

Sewing thread CORDONNET, tearproof, ideal for buttonholes and decorative seams
CORDONNET is an excellent sewing thread for decorative sewing projects. The smooth, high-quality sewing thread is particularly suitable for buttonholes and appealing topstitch and decorative seams and visibly enhances them. Its impressively intense colors, the silky sheen and the plastic effect make the appearance perfect, even when hand embroidering.
Of course, you are buying the sewing thread in the same high Mettler quality: extremely tearproof, abrasion resistant, colorfast and available in many colors, which makes it very versatile. Let your imagination run wild!

Available in up to 54 colors and 1 featuring size(s). Not all products have worldwide availability.



100% Polyester

Sewing thread EXTRA STRONG, tearproof
With EXTRA STRONG you are buying a sewing thread that can withstand any levels of stress. It is very strong, tearproof and abrasion resistant - exactly the right sewing thread for processing leather, denim or sewing on buttons. The extra strong sewing thread gives reliable robustness and resistance to seams sewn by hand or with a sewing machine. With our EXTRA STRONG sewing thread, thread breakage is no longer an issue.

Available in up to 72 colors and 3 featuring size(s). Not all products have worldwide availability.


100% mercerized cotton

All-purpose sewing thread SILK-FINISH COTTON 50, ideal for quilting and sewing
Discover our all-rounder among the Mettler cotton sewing threads: SILK-FINISH COTTON 50. Whether for quilting, sewing or matt embroidery, this sewing thread can be your companion for a great variety of projects.

Versatile and elegant: the sewing thread inspires with its luxurious look and smooth feel. There are no limits to your creativity thanks to the large color selection and different running lengths. Our tip: You can also use the sewing thread as looper thread for your overlock projects in combination with SERACOR as needle thread. This allows to create wonderful decorative effects. The long running lengths are perfectly suited for longarm quilting.

A mercerization process during the thread production makes the sewing thread more tearproof, low-shrink and iron-proof. With this sewing thread you are buying high-quality paired with versatility, a true all-rounder!

Available in up to 250 colors and 3 featuring size(s). Not all products have worldwide availability.


100% mercerized cotton

Sewing thread SILK-FINISH COTTON MULTI 50, colorful, ideal for quilting and sewing
Enjoy a blaze of color that has it all! With the colorful sewing thread SILK-FINISH COTTON 50 boredom is a foreign word. From sewing through quilting to matt embroidery: the high-quality cotton sewing thread impresses with its versatility and gives cotton creations a special touch.

Its noble, silky, shiny appearance also inspires when overlocking: As looper thread and in combination with SERACOR as needle thread, the thread creates impressively beautiful effects. A large color selection and different running lengths make SILK-FINISH COTTON MULTI 50 the perfect thread. Longarm quilt projects can also be perfectly realized with the larger spools.

No matter what project you want to use the sewing thread for: the highest quality is guaranteed. A mercerization process during production makes the sewing thread more tearproof, low-shrink and iron-proof. With SILK-FINISH COTTON MULTI 50 you are buying exactly the right thread for a wide variety of projects.

Available in up to 54 colors and 3 featuring size(s). Not all products have worldwide availability.


100% Polyester

Bulk thread SERAFLOCK for overlocking, ideal for elastic fabrics
With this overlocking thread, you are buying a perfect bulk thread for all serging and closing seams in elastic, knitted and woven fabrics. Whether for wool or elastic seams in knitted fabrics such as underwear, gym wear or swimwear: SERAFLOCK is ideal for edge covering, even materials that fray easily. Its bulky thread structure is predestined for this task. The thread can be processed without any problems even on the most sophisticated multi-function overlock machines and impresses with its non-shrink and easy-care properties.

Last but not least, the overlocking thread excites with its convenient handling: A Miniking spool with snap-lock provides a clean and practical storage and the snap groove holds the thread in place when not in use.

Available in up to 30 colors and 1 featuring size(s). Not all products have worldwide availability.



100% mercerized cotton

Sewing thread SILK-FINISH COTTON 40, ideal for quilting, patchwork, and embroidery
With SILK-FINISH COTTON 40 you are buying the right sewing thread for your patchwork and quilting projects. Because the high-quality, somewhat thicker thread made of 100% long-staple Egyptian cotton is ideal for creating beautiful decorative seams and embroidery patterns. Please make sure not to digitize the pattern too densely - then the result will turn out particularly well.

A mercerization process during the thread production makes the sewing thread more tearproof, low-shrink and iron-proof. That is what makes it so fabulously versatile. Do not hesitate to use SILK-FINISH COTTON 40 also for sewing. Cross-stitch patterns also turn out extremely well with this sewing thread. You can even try the thread as looper when overlocking: In combination with SERACOR as needle thread, you can expect great effects.

Available in up to 72 colors and 3 featuring size(s). Not all products have worldwide availability.


100% Trilobal polyester

Sewing thread POLY SHEEN, tearproof and shiny, ideal for embroidery
Robust, decorative and colorfast: with POLY SHEEN you are buying the embroidery hero among Mettler’s sewing threads. The shiny sewing thread is not only wonderful to embroider with but can also be used universally thanks to its extra strong and abrasion resistant properties. These properties are particularly important on heavily strained textiles such as sports and leisure wear, denim, terry cloth, children's, leather and work wear. Colorful decorative seams work also very well with the decorative sewing thread.

The secret of its versatility lies in its composition: the trilobal filament cross-section of the sewing thread ensures a larger surface and thus a higher light reflection than with conventional embroidery and decorative sewing threads. The result is a particularly beautiful sheen, which is accompanied by intense color brilliance. The luminosity of the color - even after bleaching with chlorine - remains for years.

Available in up to 435 colors and 2 featuring size(s). Not all products have worldwide availability.


100% Trilobal polyester

Sewing thread POLY SHEEN MULTI, tearproof, colorful and shiny, ideal for embroidery
The classic embroidery thread among the Mettler sewing threads with a special touch! With our embroidery and sewing thread POLY SHEEN MULTI you are buying exactly the right thread for colorful creations. Familiar quality in a fancy design: the sewing thread is tearproof, extremely abrasion resistant, colorfast and wonderfully decorative. This is made possible by its special composition: the trilobal filament cross-section allows the sewing thread not only to withstand the highest levels of stress, but also to reflect more light due to its larger surface. The result is an exceptionally beautiful sheen that outshines conventional embroidery and decorative sewing threads.

Use POLY SHEEN MULTI as you wish: from filigree embroidery and decorative sewing to textiles that are subject to heavy levels of wear and tear such as sport and leisure wear, denim, terry cloth, children's , leather and work wear - the sewing thread impresses in every situation. The exciting multi-color effect harmonizes perfectly with the color palette of the single-color POLY SHEEN threads. The color brilliance of the colorful sewing threads is retained for years even after treatment with chlorine bleach. This means that you can enjoy your unique pieces for as long as possible.

Available in up to 42 colors and 2 featuring size(s). Not all products have worldwide availability.



100% mercerized cotton

Sewing thread SILK-FINISH COTTON 60, for terry cloth and linen, ideal for quilting and embroidery
Do you enjoy working with many different fabrics? Perfect! With SILK-FINISH COTTON 60 you are buying the right sewing thread for a great variety of projects. Whether it’s batiste, tulle, cotton, linen or terry - our sewing thread made of high-quality cotton masters them all.

The thread impresses with the highest quality: 100% long-staple, Egyptian cotton meets a wonderfully supple and silk-like feel. Our special dyeing technology also ensures that you can enjoy the particularly colorfast sewing thread on your projects for years to come.

Whether for quilting or matt embroidery: The versatile sewing thread SILK-FINISH COTTON 60 masters fine and voluminous embroidery motifs as well as decorative seams with ease. Since the sewing thread is also available in large spools, it is also ideal for longarm quilting.

Available in up to 214 colors and 3 featuring size(s). Not all products have worldwide availability.


100% Polyester

Sewing thread SERALON 30, tearproof, ideal for buttonholes and decorative seams
SERALON 30 is an excellent sewing thread for decorative sewing projects. The smooth, high-quality sewing thread is particularly suitable for buttonholes and appealing topstitch and decorative seams and visibly enhances them. Its impressively intense colors, the silky sheen and the plastic effect make the appearance perfect, even when hand embroidering. Of course, you are buying the sewing thread in the same high Mettler quality: extremely tearproof, abrasion resistant, colorfast and available in many colors, which makes it very versatile. Let your imagination run wild!

Available in up to 121 colors and 1 featuring size(s). Not all products have worldwide availability.


70% Polyester, 30% Cotton

Sewing thread DENIM DOC, ideal for denim fabrics and denim colors
The name of the sewing thread says it all. With DENIM DOC you are buying the perfect sewing thread for denim. Whether for denim manufacturing or their repair: The strong sewing thread made with a polyester core and cotton cover is ideal for closing, topstitch and serging seams. Special denim colors allow the sewing thread to blend perfectly with the denim. Decorative elements are also possible with the sewing thread: DENIM DOC is also ideally suited as needle thread for matt embroidery.

Available in up to 10 colors and 1 featuring size(s). Not all products have worldwide availability.



100% Polyester

Sewing thread BOBBINETTE, tearproof, the ideal bobbin thread for embroidery
With this sewing thread you are buying the perfect basis for all your embroideries because BOBBINETTE is the ideal bobbin thread for embroidery. Thanks to its high-quality and particularly tear-resistant material construction, your embroideries will have an excellent appearance. You will achieve the best results, especially in combination with Mettler’s classic embroidery sewing thread POLY SHEEN® or Amann Group’s ISACORD.
Whether for fine seams on light fabrics, that are prone to puckering, or high-quality overlocking: the sewing thread for embroidery also masters these challenges easily.

Available in up to 2 colors and 1 featuring size(s). Not all products have worldwide availability.


55% Polyester, 45% Polyamide

Sewing thread METALLIC, tearproof and elastic, ideal for embroidery
If it should be eye-catching and individual, you are well equipped with our METALLIC sewing thread. Look forward to brilliant special effects that are second to none: The shiny metallic surface of the decorative sewing thread not only ensures an exciting interplay of light and shade, but also an astonishing and long-lasting 3D effect. Whether for fashionable embroidery, fancy decorative seams, or emblems: With METALLIC you are buying a sewing thread that really enriches your individual pieces.

Good things take time: Due to the more complex wrapped yarn construction, the processing of the sewing thread requires a little more time. Our recommendation: Sewing with METALLIC is easier at a reduced processing speed.

Available in up to 15 colors and 2 featuring size(s). Not all products have worldwide availability.


100% mercerized cotton

Sewing thread SILK-FINISH COTTON 28, ideal for hand quilting and embroidery
Decorative, high quality and with a precious gloss - with our sewing thread SILK-FINISH COTTON 28 you are buying a perfect companion for all decorative seams.

SILK-FINISH COTTON 28 consists of 100% long-staple Egyptian cotton. That makes it ideal for setting special highlights: Whether for topstitching, hand quilting or hand embroidery, the thick and subtle shiny sewing thread gives decorative seams, decorative stitches, and appliqué a particularly beautiful effect. The strong sewing thread also masters buttonholes and denim hems with ease.

During production, the sewing thread undergoes a mercerization process. This technology makes the sewing thread more tearproof, low-shrink and iron-proof. Our special dyeing technique also gives the thread the highest level of color fastness.

Available in up to 30 colors and 2 featuring size(s). Not all products have worldwide availability.


100% Polyamide, transparent

Sewing thread TRANSFIL, nearly invisible, suitable for quilting
Are you looking for a thread that is almost invisible? With this sewing thread you are making exactly the right choice: The semi-transparent sewing thread TRANSFIL creates a nearly invisible seam and can be used on the sewing machine as upper and bobbin thread. For quilting, the sewing thread was created in a 1000m design, so the thread lasts long enough even when creating elaborate quilts.

Available in up to 2 colors and 2 featuring size(s). Not all products have worldwide availability.


50% PBT (Polybutylene terephthalate), 50% PP (Polypropylene)

Sewing thread POLY GLOW, ideal for embroidery, phosphorescent
Extraordinary, luminously beautiful, POLY GLOW – allow us to introduce a special type of sewing thread. With POLY GLOW you can include luminous highlights in your creations. Due to its phosphorescent properties, the sewing thread stores UV and artificial light and thus makes textiles glow in the dark.
Whether on sports, leisure or children's wear, bags and satchels or for embroidering logos and letterings: With this wash-resistant sewing thread, embroideries and seams become real eye-catchers in the dark.

Available in up to 1 colors and 1 featuring size(s). Not all products have worldwide availability.


100% Polyester

Overlocking sewing thread SERACOR, stretchy and filigree, ideal for borders
Versatile, more versatile, SERACOR. The sewing thread SERACOR is our ultimate all-rounder when it comes to overlocking. It masters all classic overlock applications easily. At the same time, the sewing thread is extremely elastic and wonderfully filigree.

This is made possible by its special composition: the sewing thread has a strong core around which smooth fibers are spun. The result is a matt surface that gives the thread its trouble-free sewability.

Whether for classic overlock tasks or borders: with the SERACOR sewing thread you are buying a reliable partner for your overlock sewing machine.

Available in up to 50 colors and 2 featuring size(s). Not all products have worldwide availability.


100% Polyester

Sewing thread SERALENE for overlocking, ideal for particularly fine serging seams
With SERALENE you are buying a true specialist among overlocking sewing threads. Thanks to its excellent and trouble-free sewability, SERALENE is the perfect partner for filigree and nearly invisible seams on light fabrics. Whether as needle and looper thread for high-quality overlocking, blind-stitching, or trimming, the sewing thread convinces in every situation even on the most sophisticated overlock machines. The filigree thread is also perfect for embroidering monograms and fine details. It is absolutely shrink-free and easy-care.
SERALENE has even more advantages: The snap-lock Miniking spool provides a safe, clean and practical storage place for the sewing thread. The snap groove holds the thread in place when not in use.

Available in up to 18 colors and 1 featuring size(s). Not all products have worldwide availability.


100% Silk

Sewing thread AMANDA, tearproof, ideal for silk fabrics
AMANDA is exactly the right thread when it comes to working with silk. Regardless of whether it’s sewing, decorative hand embroidery or machine embroidery: With the high-quality sewing thread, every silk project will be a masterpiece in no time. Thanks to its particularly even structure, the thread impresses with its elegant sheen. This does not only make the sewing thread particularly beautiful but also tearproof.

Robust, noble and of high quality: with the AMANDA sewing thread you are buying a strong partner for future treasures.

Available in up to 200 colors and 1 featuring size(s). Not all products have worldwide availability.


62% Elastane, 38% Polyester


Sewing thread ELASTIC, highly elastic, ideal for smocking
ELASTIC is the ideal elastic thread for smocking stretchy and solid fabrics. Even ruffles on hems are perfectly easy to master with the sewing thread. Our elastic sewing thread is also ideally suited for the sewing machine. Our recommendation: use it exclusively as bobbin thread. This way you can easily regulate the desired intensity of pucker through the bobbin thread tension. Please also ensure that you tack the seam beginning and seam end. Long lockstitches make the processing with the ELASTIC sewing thread even easier.

Available in up to 7 colors and 1 featuring size(s). Not all products have worldwide availability.