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DMC-Anchor-Semco-Madeira-JP-Cosmo-Olympus-YD / 2
DMC-Light-Effects-Diamant-Rainbow-Gallery-PB-Kreinik#4 / 2
Eva Rosenstand-DMC
DMC-Au Ver Soie
Crescent Colors-DMC
Anchor Old To New Numbers
Anchor Wool-Paternayan-DMC
Anchor-Tapestry Wool-DMC-Wool
Anchor-Kreinik Silk Mori
E.Bradley-Anchor-DMC-Appletons Tapestry Wool
Sullivans-JP Coats
Dinky Dyes-Gentle Art
Soie D'alger - Needlepoint Silk
Silk N' Colors - Gentle Art
RB Gallery-Kreinik
Kreinik-Treasure Braid
Glissen Gloss RB-Kreinik BF
Threads to Robison-Anton
Weeks Dye-Works-DMC
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Gloriana Silk To Caron Waterlilies To Silk N'Colors
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Mill Hill
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Top 40 UK Knitting Blogs And Websites

Top 40 UK Knitting Blogs And Websites

The best UK Knitting blogs from thousands of blogs on the web ranked by traffic, social media followers, domain authority & freshness.

UK Knitting Blogs


1. Little Cotton Rabbits

Little Cotton Rabbitsknitting like mad and living with autism in the family. Knitting patterns for toys and novelties, some free and some to buy.

2. Knit and Stitch Blog by Black sheep wools

Knit and Stitch Blog by Black sheep wools Warrington, England, UK
Established in 1983, Black Sheep Wools is a family run knitting & needlecraft retailer, based in the village of Culcheth, Warrington, Cheshire. We pride ourselves on stocking all the major brands that knitters & stitchers love at fabulously low prices. Buy knitting and crochet yarn, patterns knitting needles, crochet hooks, needlecraft, fabric & more from Black Sheep Wools: The UK's top retailer for craft supplies.
Also in Knitting Blogs

3. Wool Warehouse

 Wool Warehouse Leamington Spa, Warwickshire
Wool Warehouse - buy all of your yarn wool, needles, and other knitting supplies online today with FAST delivery!

4. Kate Davies Designs Blog

Kate Davies Designs Blog Scotland, UK
You can read pieces exploring a wide range of topics in textile history and design from Kate, and enjoy recipes photography and tutorials from Tom. My name is Kate Davies. I live by Scotland's West Highland Way where I love writing knitting, and walking in the wonderful landscapes that surround me. I began Kate Davies Designs (KDD) creating digital patterns for hand knitters.

5. The Knitting Network | Home to Woman's Weekly exclusive patterns

The Knitting Network | Home to Woman's Weekly exclusive patterns UK
Discover the best Knitting and Crochet Patterns, Yarn, Needles, Books & Accessories. Spend over £25 & get free UK delivery with The Knitting Network.

6. Pom Pom Quarterly

Pom Pom Quarterly  London, England, UK
We bring you more thoughtful, beautiful, joyful, educational, and inspirational knitted and crocheted! We share knitting patterns with a modern aesthetic, great photos and interesting writing!

7. Winwick Mum

Winwick Mum UK
An award-winning creative lifestyle blog featuring the hugely popular free Sockalong sock-knitting tutorials for beginners - let the fun begin! I'm Christine. I live in Winwick, a small village in Cheshire, and this is where I write about what makes me happy: my family, knitting, gardening, home-making, enjoying the outdoors.
Also in Sock Knitting Blogs

8. Janie Crow | Blog

Janie Crow | Blog UK
We aspire to give knitters and crocheters a range of exciting project designs and products which are not available elsewhere. Designer Jane Crowfoot specialises in designs for the home interior - including cushions and throws and regularly teaches workshops to pass on her passion for the crafts of knit and crochet.
Also in UK Crochet Blogs

9. Loop Knit lounge

Loop Knit lounge London, England, UK
Loop is like being at the best yarn fair in the world with brilliant and warm staff to help you. We have a huge selection of natural hand-dyed yarns as well as the basics. We're the European flagship shop for both Brooklyn Tweed and Quince & Co and we also stock Wollmeise and Woolfolk yarns as well as over 100 colours of Madelinetosh. We have a brilliant selection of haberdashery and publications as well as a huge range of classes from beginners to master classes with visiting teachers.

10. Woolly Wormhead Blog

Woolly Wormhead Blog London, England, UK
My name is Woolly Wormhead and I am a Hat architect.Hats are fascinating. They are relatively quick to knit, but they are also endlessly versatile. I think of my Hat designs as sculptures and 3D objects. I build them in my head, then construct them with my hands. Unique & original woolly Hat designs. Knitting & crochet patterns, techniques & tutorials, all available in PDF format for immediate download.

11. The Twisted Yarn

The Twisted YarnI'm Phil. This blog is all about knitting and crocheting color into my home in the Oxfordshire countryside.
Also in Crochet Blogs

12. Mad Man Knitting

Mad Man Knitting Orlando, Florida, US
Gregory Patrick is an author and knitter who began his knitting career after becoming homeless in 2011, knitting teddy bears in order to raise money for food and eventually a place to live. He currently lives in Orlando, FL with his husband, Phillip.
Also in Men's Knitting Blogs

13. YAK Blog Yarn and Knitting

YAK Blog Yarn and Knitting Brighton, England, UK
YAK is the hub of the knitting and crochet community online and in Brighton. All things yarn and knitting are our forte and we are here to keep you up to date with the most beautiful hand dyed yarns, the latest patterns and the most exciting innovative tools on the market.

14. Hand Knitted Things

Hand Knitted Things Scotland and Yorkshire
Hand Knitted Things and other things that catch my eye. Julia started her blog Hand Knitted Things in 2008 as a way of documenting her knitting projects and sharing them with others.

15. Emma Varnam's Blog | Knitting, Nattering, Crochet And Craft

Emma Varnam's Blog | Knitting, Nattering, Crochet And Craft UK
For nearly ten years I have had a successful crochet and knitting design career. I enjoy balancing my daily need to be creative with sharing my experiences and inspiration on this blog. I have designed both knitting and crochet designs for magazines including; Knitting Magazine, Debbie Bliss Magazine, Let's Get Crafting, Simply Crochet, Inside Crochet and Crochet Now.

16. Curious Handmade

Curious Handmade London, England, UK
Delightful knitting patterns and creativity. Making things is good for the soul.

17. Planet Penny

Planet Penny London, England, UK
Crafts, Needle Felting, Crochet, Patterns & Tutorials.

18. Knit With Attitude

Knit With Attitude London, England, UK
This is the Knit with attitude blog, but be prepared for some personal views, opinions and musings as well. Welcome to The world according to MayaB.

19. The penguin with the pointy sticks

The penguin with the pointy sticks UK
Knitting and fencing but not always together. I'm a fencer who knits or possibly a knitter who fences. But both clear my head to think about media development keeping pace with all the new channels to our audiences.

20. A-C Knitwear Blog

A-C Knitwear Blog  Somerset, Pennsylvania, US
Providing friendly hand-knitting expertise - patterns, video and photo tutorials, editing services and all-round expert advice for knitters everywhere.

21. The Woolly Adventures of a Knitting Kitty

The Woolly Adventures of a Knitting Kitty Norwich, England, UK
My spare time is filled with knitting, spinning, crochet and sewing. I hope you enjoy reading about the goings on chez josiekitten!

22. UK hand Knitting Association

UK hand Knitting Association UK
The Knitty-pedia of all things Hand Knitting and Crochet.

23. The Wool Nest Blog | Knitting And Crochet By Lynne Rowe

The Wool Nest Blog | Knitting And Crochet By Lynne Rowe Cheshire, Connecticut, US
My name is Lynne Rowe and I'm a knit and crochet fanatic. I can't imagine a day without picking up my needles or hook and creating something fab and funky. I design for many UK knitting magazines and publications, including Let's Knit, Let's Get Crafting, Knit Today, Inside Crochet, Woman's Weekly and Homemaker. I also teach knit and crochet locally in Cheshire.

24. Knit With Hannah

Knit With Hannah UK
learning to knit without stumbling along the way.

25. Miss Lavenders

Miss Lavenders Keep up with articles from Miss Lavenders.

26. Tea Cosy Folk Designs

Tea Cosy Folk DesignsTeaCosyFolk design unique novelty tea cosy knitting patterns for you to make your own characterful tea cosies - perfect tea party talking points! Get exciting designs of tea cosies that are beautiful, funny, adorable and always eye popping!

27. Did You Make That?

Did You Make That? London, England, UK
Leading UK sewing blog where we believe creativity is contagious.

28. tomofholland | The Visible Mending Programme: making and re-making

tomofholland | The Visible Mending Programme: making and re-making Brighton, England, UK
My name is Tom van Deijnen and I'm a self-taught textiles practitioner, based in Brighton, UK. I work mostly with wool, and enjoy creating and repairing knitted objects.By writing this blog, running darning workshops and taking repair work commissions I provide mending inspiration, skills and services to people and hopefully persuade them that shop-bought clothes deserve care and attention too, just like a precious hand-knit.

29. the geeky knitter

the geeky knitter Stockport, Greater Manchester
A blog about knitting and crochet, with free patterns and geeky stuff.

30. Knit Now Magazine

Knit Now Magazine Stockport, England, UK
Knit Now is all about quick, simple, stylish designs that knitters love to make. Knit now is the UK's best magazine for quick, simple, stylish knits.

31. Shortrounds | Knitwear designer and knitting blogger

Shortrounds | Knitwear designer and knitting bloggerShortrounds is where I share my original knitwear designs, knitting patterns and the knitters and knitwear that inspire me in handmade crafts.

32. English girl at home

English girl at home Birmingham, England, UK
Charlotte shares her various sewing, knitting, and other creative projects.
Also in Sewing Blogs

33. Confessions of a YarnAddict

Confessions of a YarnAddict UK
I'm one of the UK's leading knitting designers & teach workshops around the UK. Workshops - Designs - Kits - Yarn - Retreats Author of Beaded Lace Knitting

34. A Kingfisher Morning

A Kingfisher Morning UK
Adventures in knitting and crochet. Run by Juliet Bernard.

35. Mostly knitting

Mostly knittingI'm a knitter. I love to read and write and daydream. I live at the top of a hill in a little village and I work for the Church, although I only write about it here in so far as it impinges on my knitting.

36. Blissfully Crafted

Blissfully Crafted Bradford, England, UK
Helping Newbie Knitters to Develop and Improve Their Skills.

37. Linda Whaley knitting patterns

 Linda Whaley knitting patterns UK
Contemporary and stylish knitting patterns for babies and children, created by UK knitwear designer Linda Whaley. Start knitting today with all patterns available to download instantly.

38. Knitting Knowledge

Knitting Knowledge UK
Covers knitting patterns, tool recommendations, tips, and guides. Your go-to place for modern, stylish knitting patterns that new knitters actually want to wear.

39. CoopKnits

CoopKnits UK
Knitwear designer with a focus on small and intricate pieces that are both beautiful and functional.
